Lot 1027 / Auktion 25 – ARCHIV

Maciunas, George

Ergebnis 375,00 €

Lot 1027 / Auktion 25 – ARCHIV

Maciunas, George

Fluxus - - Maciunas, George. Diagram of historical development of fluxus and other 4 dimentional aural, optic, olfactory, epithelial and tactile art forms. New York, Selbstverlag, 1973. 2 aneinander montierte Segmente. 172,5 x 58,5 cm.
Silverman 282 - Fluxus Codex 329ff. - "'I am working on the chart, but very slowly ... That could conceivably be included in such an anthology as a wall-paper ... you could arrange a worthwile fluxfest ... (including a) flux-history room with exhibit of all original prototypes of objects produced, interesting documents, etc. like my chart like calendar ...' Letter: Maciunas to Daniela Palazzoli, n.d. reproduced in Fluxnewsletter, April 1973." (Fluxus Codex 329). - Papierbedingt leicht gebräunt, Druck stellenweise etwas aufgehellt, kleiner Einriss im oberen Rand, leicht knickspurig. - Provenienz: Nachlass Margaret Raspé.

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